The next initiator is a split off on SDK level to tag next features. The principle is that all breaking changes that we are anticipating, come into this section of the SDK. This allows us to introduce breaking changes before bumping the SDK Major version, since we want to bundle some of them. This way our major version can stay stable for longer, without sacrificing the flexibility we need to innovate. Together with a major update, the functions and additions in this part of the SDK will be moved to the main part. If you're using the next controller, you might need to import the typings also from the next types. this can be referenced in your application as @chili-publish/studio-sdk/lib/src/next


  • NextInitiator




  • The next initiator is a split off on SDK level to tag next features The SDK should be configured clientside and it exposes all controllers to work with in other applications


    • config: ConfigType

      The configuration object where the SDK and editor can get configured

    • connection: Connection<CallSender>
    • editorAPI: EditorAPI

    Returns NextInitiator


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