The DataConnectorController is responsible for all communication regarding Data connectors. Methods inside this controller can be called by window.SDK.dataConnector.{method-name}

The way GraFx Studio handles different sources of Data is called 'DataConnector'. A DataConnector is an implementation of a set of capabilities we need to interact with a certain Data Management system. In essence, a connector is the combination of a JavaScript snippet and some metadata. The JavaScript snippet is loaded in the studio engine using a sandboxed JavaScript execution engine (QuickJs). This allows us to execute the Data connector both on web using webassembly and on the server side during e.g., animation output generation. This controller is an interface to the running connector instance inside the studio engine.


  • DataConnectorController


  • All connectors have a certain set of mappings they allow to be passed into the connector methods their context. This method allows you to discover which mappings are available for a given connector. If you want to use any of these mappings, they will be available in the context parameter of any connector method.


    connector mappings


    • connectorId: string

      unique id of the data connector

    Returns Promise<EditorResponse<ConnectorConfigOptions>>

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